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Q: Which happened when humans developed domestication?
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What are the release dates for The Domestication of Humans - 2010?

The Domestication of Humans - 2010 was released on: USA: 30 June 2010

What is the process of bringing wild animals and plants under human control called?


What is the concept of domestication in government?

Don't know what you mean. The word "domestication" in English means taking a wild thing (animal) and making it safe to live with humans.

What is a sentence for the word domestication?

The domestication of dogs has been beneficial to humanity for tens of thousands of years.The domestication of cats couldn't have been easy to do, surely?

Where were dogs born?

Alaska Duw!

Why is domestication important?

Domestication is important because it allows humans to control the breeding, behavior, and characteristics of plants and animals for their own benefit. This has enabled the development of agriculture, the domestication of animals for food and companionship, and the creation of a stable food supply. Additionally, domestication has played a role in the evolution of societies and cultures.

Goats were one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. How were early humans' lives impacted by the domestication of goats?

they had a new source of food

What way of life resulted from the domestication animals?

Humans having access to a steady supply of meat and various animal products resulted in the domestication of animals. Dogs were the first domesticated animal.

When a certain type of plant or animal is changed by humans to become accustomed to human control this is known as A.?


What does domestication mean in social studies?

the process of changing plants or animals to make them more useful to humans.

What is involved in domesticating plant and animal?

Domestication involves taming, training, breeding.

Who invented traveling on camels?

The domestication of camels happened before we had recorded history. It's likely the idea of riding them happened independently several times.