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Q: Which animal uses its long beak to reach fruit?
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What is a impalla animal?

impalla is an animal with a big red beak,long neck and black body.

What animal eats a toucan?

their long beaks and tongues can reach fruit growing on branches that are too thin to perch.They don't eat animals.

Would a bird with a long or short beak be able to help a plant transfer pollen grains?

The bird with the long beak because its adaptation allows it to reach the nectar at the bottom of the flower

What animal has a thick long beak?

The humming bird and woodpecker both have a long beak for their size. The kiwi has a particularly long bill, varying length from 9 to 30cm, depending on the species.

How do Great Crested Grebe kook like?

It has a long neck,a long beak it is the best and beautiful animal just from my opinion!!!!!

What beak shape would let a bird get nectar from long thin tubular flowers?

A long, slender, curved beak would be ideal for extracting nectar from long thin tubular flowers. This shape allows the bird to reach deep into the flower to access the nectar. Examples of birds with this type of beak include hummingbirds and sunbirds.

Who eats with giant tweezers?

A hungry toucan pushes leaves apart with its big long beak. Then the bird uses the tip of its beak very delicately, like tweezers, to pick fruit off the branch. Next it tosses the fruit up in the air and snaps it up as it falls.

What animal has a nose on top of its beak?

The kiwi is an animal that has a nose at the tip of its long beak. This unique feature helps the kiwi to locate prey underground through its keen sense of smell.

How long is a red kite beak?

how long is a red kites beak and claws

Why does the glossy ibis have a long beak?

The glossy ibis has a long beak for safety.

How hummingbird from north America and unrelated sun bird from Africa could both evolve long beak for reach into flower?

Both birds would have had minor mutations that make their beaks slightly longer, allowing them to be advantaged, which over time caused a long beak to evolve.

What kind of beak woodpecker have?

long sharp beak