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Q: Which animal has a body covering that will best protect it from bites and scratches during a attack by a predator?
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What is spines and armors?

its a protection which animal have to protect itself from the predator...

What do you think is the function of an animal's body covering?

to protect themselves from their enemies

How poison protect themselves?

When the predator goes to bite the animal it tastes the poison and leaves it alone.

Is a shell a dead animal?

A sea shell may contain a dead animal but the shell itself is a protective covering that an animal made to protect itself.

How do tigers protect their-selves?

well tigers really don't defend them selves becausee they are a predator to any kind of animal

How does a lyrebird protect itself?

The lyre Bird prtoects itself by drawing its head back and shifting to the ground more, which scares the predator sometimes or the predator doesnt give, and kills the animal!

Are black stallion horses predators or preys?

All horses, no matter breed nor gender, is a prey animal. It does not hunt down any animal. It may turn on a predator to protect the herd if they cannot run away from the predator, but horses will not go off and track down an animal to kill it.

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How might making a scent help protect an animal from predators?

The scent made by the prey would trick the predator into thinking that the prey isn't there, so if the prey "isn't there" the predator can't attack it. :)

What describes a predator animal?

A predator is an animal which hunts and kills other animals for food.

What should be done to endangered animals?

We should protect and save them. As apex-predator of this world, it is our responsibility to ensure no animal ever dies needlessly.

How does an animal protect it's family?

usually they fight or try to scare the predator. the komodo dragon inserts saliva into an animal when it knows it cannot win or get the pray or whatever it is doing and the animal bitten will die shortly after.