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None of them do, only the father might if he feels intimidated by one. Or the mother may eat one if she hasn't ate in a while.

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Q: Which animal dies after giving birth to young ones?
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Which animal dies after giving birth?


Who is the animal which gives birth to their young ones and dies?

star fish

What animal dies after giving birth?

The female octopus typically dies shortly after laying and guarding her eggs. This is because she stops eating while taking care of her eggs, which leads to her body deteriorating and ultimately succumbing to death after giving birth.

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Abraham's sister dies by giving birth to her child.

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1 out of 125. It is rare that a rabbit dies while giving birth.

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No but Bella almost Dies when she is giving birth

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The brook and river lamprey are fish that die straight after they lay their eggs, they are tube shaped and have a flat face.

Which Mammal dies after giving the birth to their baby?

I know of no mammal that dies after birth. It would be against the nature of mammals since they nurse the baby and have to look after it.

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