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Coyotes live in North America, from Alaska and Canada to Mexico, and south to Panama in Central America. However, they are especially populous in the southwestern states of the US, and routinely prey on livestock. Some live in snowy places (like Alaska) and some live in deserts (as in Arizona), and wild coyotes can be found even in such unlikely places as urban parks in New York, Chicago, and Washington, DC.

The coyote has assumed many of the habitats occupied by various species of wolves.
They live in deserts like ones in texas or arizona
coyotes live in WI WA and several different states or countries
tundras and woods

They inhabit every square mile of North America. They mainly find dens under huge boulders or big brush piles. Some may even dig out holes in the sand and den up in them.

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7y ago
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15y ago

Coyotes are most active during the night but can be seen during the day. They sleep in safe secluded areas and in dens. An opportunistic predator they will eat fresh kill or rotting carcasses, small rodents and mammals and feed off gardens. They are shy and avoid human contact.

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7y ago

Coyotes are quite adaptable and live in nearly every habitat - tundra, taiga, deciduous forests, grasslands, deserts and even in rainforests. They have even adapted to survive in major urban areas.

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12y ago

they usuaaly livi underground in the desert

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13y ago

coyates live mahave desserts

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7y ago


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Q: Where do coyotes live?
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What ecosystem does coyotes live in?

Coyotes live in temperate deciduous forests

Do coyotes live in the Outback?

Coyotes are native to North America. They do not live in Australia.

Where do coyotes like to live?

Coyotes generally live and raise their young in dens dug into the ground.

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Because coyotes live everywhere-- both in urban centers and rural areas.

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Could coyotes live in a city?

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If you are referring to Juab County, Utah, yes, coyotes are found there.

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Coyotes do not eat cheetahs. Cheetahs and coyotes live in completely different habitats and environments. Coyotes are found in North America, cheetahs live in Africa.