

Where do the wallons live?

Updated: 12/3/2022
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Q: Where do the wallons live?
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The french speaking Belgians in southern portion of Belgium are known as?

The French-speaking Belgians in the southern portion of Belgium are known as Walloons.

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The Walloons (in French: les wallons) are the French-speaking people living in the southern / south-eastern part of Belgium.

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Jacquemine Le Clercq has written: 'The Wallons consistory and excommunication' -- subject(s): Persecution, Freedom of religion, Liberty of conscience

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Joseph Dejardin has written: 'Dictionnaire des spots ou proverbes wallons' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Proverbs, Walloon Proverbs

What is a wallon in French?

Belgium is located between the Netherlands and the north-west of France. The inhabitants speak two languages.The flamands in the north speak flamand which is basically dutch.The wallons in the south speak french. Wallon is a french word.

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Since South of Belgium covers about 50%, accounting for the "language border", it should be close to 50%. However, I believe the ethymology estimate is approximately 60% Flemish and 40% Wallon. (note that "Walloons" should actually be referred to as "Wallons" to stay faithful to the French language)

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