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They are a marine worm of which there are about 10,000 species. They occur throughout the Earth's oceans at all depths (even the deepest place on Earth)

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Q: Where do polychaetes live?
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Related questions

How do you transport polychaetes in live for short durations?

motorbike is best

Are polychaetes endangered?

no,we still have 40,000 species of polychaetes

What phyla are polychaetes in?

Phylum: Annelida

How do polychaetes obtain food as?

On Plato the answer is (D)

In what four ways do polychaetes differ from oligochaetes?

Polychaetes have parapodia with chaetae for locomotion, have well-developed heads with sensory organs, exhibit a wider range of body forms, and primarily live in marine environments. Oligochaetes, on the other hand, lack parapodia and have fewer chaetae, have less specialized heads, mostly have a uniform body structure, and are mostly found in freshwater or terrestrial habitats.

How do parapodia support the active life that most polychaetes pursue?

Parapodia in polychaetes serve as both respiratory structures and locomotory appendages. They increase surface area for gas exchange and help in swimming, crawling, and digging through the substrate, facilitating the active lifestyle of polychaetes.

What is the Difference between leeches and polychaetes?

leeches are sthnakes.

What is modified as a distinct head in some polychaetes?


What is the largest class of segmented worms?

Sea worms (polychaetes)

What has the author J D George written?

J. D. George has written: 'Polychaetes: British amphinomida, spintherida & eunicida' -- subject(s): Eunicidae, Amphinomida, Polychaeta 'Polychaetes' -- subject(s): Polychaeta

What has the author Pavel Vladimirovich Ushakov written?

Pavel Vladimirovich Ushakov has written: 'Mnogoshchetinkovye chervi Polychaeta' -- subject(s): Bibliography, Polychaeta 'Polychaetes of the suborder Phyllodociformia of the Polar Basin and the northwestern part of the Pacific: Families Phyllodocidae, Alciopidae, Tomopteridae, ... of the U.S.S.R' 'Polychaetes of the suborder Phyllodociformia of the Polar Basin and the northwestern part of the Pacific. (Families Phyllodocidae, Alciopidae, Tomopteridae, Typhloscoleoidae, and Lacydoniidae)' -- subject(s): Polychaeta, Annelida 'Polychaetes' -- subject(s): Polychaeta 'Polychaetes of the suborder Phyllodociformia of the Polar Basin and the northwestern part of the Pacific'

What advantages do marine worms with tubes have over free swimming polychaetes?
