no. cartilaginous fishes are sharks and rays.
Jawless fish are cartilaginous, but they do not have jaws. Class Chondrichthyes, which contains most cartilaginous fish, like sharks, have powerful jaws.
Similar to Stingrays, skates are cartilaginous.
it is the cartilaginous fish.s
Jawless fish, like lampreys and hagfish, lack true jaws and have circular mouths with tooth-like structures. They also have cartilaginous skeletons and lack scales. Cartilaginous fish, like sharks and rays, have jaws with teeth, cartilaginous skeletons, and covered in dermal denticles or scales.
Both jawless fish and cartilaginous fish have skeletons made of cartilage.
Cartilaginous fish have cartilaginous endoskeletons, meaning their skeletons are made from cartilage. Cartilaginous fish can also have placoid scales, or they are naked. Cartilaginous fish have gills, paired appendages, strong jaws, notochords, a dorsal nerve chord that leads to a distinct brain, and lack a swim bladder.
Lizards are not bony or cartilaginous fish, they are reptiles.
Cartilaginous fish are mainly sharks and rays. They feed off bony fish, such as goldfish.
Cartilaginous fish, also known as elasmobranchi, have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. Bony fish, also known as teleosts, have skeletons made of bone.
Cartilaginous fishes store oil in their large, oily livers. The liver serves as a buoyancy aid, helping these fishes control their depth in the water column. Additionally, the oil stored in the liver provides a concentrated energy reserve for these species.