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I think animals aren't happy in captivity because maybe they miss half of their family those who live in the wild, maybe they are home sick.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

To help protect them from extinction, so that people can see and learn about them, so that they can get medication if they are ill and the fact that they get fed properly.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Well,many animals are in captivity. Lets just hope we can save them before they all go extinct.

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βˆ™ 10y ago


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Q: Where do captive animals live?
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On occasion, captive animals escape, but they are not native here.

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Is it right that animals are kept in zoos?

It would depend on your view in regards to animals in zoo's. Yes, the animals should be cared for and protected. Do the animals display the same natural instint they do in the wild, no, as there food is provided for them. Yes they do live longer, but is being captive a good thing. It does help providing the few animals that are extinct, but cross breading (in breading) them does that really protect them from extinction.

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