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Puppies can typically be left alone in the house for short periods of time once they are around 4-6 months old and have been properly trained to be alone. It's important to gradually increase the time they are left alone to ensure they can handle it.

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Q: When can I trust my puppy to be left alone in the house?
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Can a puppy be left alone in a house?

Puppies should not be left alone in a house for long periods of time, especially when they are young. Puppies need frequent potty breaks, mental stimulation, and social interaction to prevent boredom and anxiety. If you need to leave your puppy alone, it's advisable to crate train them gradually and provide them with safe toys and puzzles to keep them entertained.

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Why not ? Depends on if you can trust the teenagers to be in the house. 17 years old is an adult

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A 2-month-old puppy should not be left alone for more than 2-3 hours at a time. They require frequent bathroom breaks, social interaction, and supervision for their safety and well-being.

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Its really up to you

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quite simply no i live in a house left in trust to me and it would be like getting blood out of a stone plus have a bit of respect for the relatives wishes for a stable roof over your head or the childrens

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thats just how they play! but you should TRAIN THEM not to bite. Or they are trying to get your attention! they dont like to be left alone you know.

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I would ask the local police. When I asked our local police when my children were younger I was told there was no state law, but rather it depended on the parents trust of their child and their knowledge of the child's maturity.

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Left Alone - Left Alone album - was created on 2009-04-07.

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Firstly, contact the Pediatrician or get medical attention immediately. How this can happen to an infant who shouldn't EVER be left alone is beyond human understanding -