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The Portuguese man o' war lives in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Kip Strosin

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1y ago
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The Portuguese man o' war lives in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Q: What zone does the Portuguese man o' war live in?
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What kind of climate does a Portuguese man of war live in?

The Portuguese man-of-war prefers the warm waters of the Pacific, Indian, and Atlantic oceans, but are found in all oceans. They live on the ocean surface. The Portuguese man-of-war cannot propel itself, but is moved along by currents, tides, and waves.

Where does the Portuguese Man of War Jellyfish live?

The Portuguese Man-Of-War lives in the Indian and Pacific oceans, where they eat small fish and are usually found in swarms.

Are Portuguese man war parasites?

a portuguse man-of-war is not a parasite. a parasite is a plant or animal who lives on another for some time till the host (the being suporting the the parasite)dies or the parasite moves to another host. the portuguse man-of-war hunts its own prey and eats them. for more information, look up portuguse man-of-war

Where is the Portuguese man-of-war's mostly found?

The Portuguese Man o' War is Carribean.

Does the Portuguese Man-of-War live in groups?

Sometimes. But they can be found in groups of 1000 or more.

Do Portuguese man of war have backbones?

A Portuguese man of war is similar to a jellyfish, so it has no backbone.

What does a Portuguese man-o-war eat?

a Portuguese man of war eats small fish

When was Portuguese Man o' War created?

Portuguese Man o' War was created in 1758.

How long do the Portuguese man-of-war live?

The Man-O-War jellyfish love small fish like krill, clownfish and bait ECT...

What are the small fish that live in and around the tentacles of The Portuguese Man o' War?

The small fish that can be found living in and around the tentacles of the Portuguese Man o' War are called juvenile fishes or fish fry. They seek protection and food within the tentacles, forming a symbiotic relationship by feeding on the Man o' War's smaller prey and gaining protection from predators.

Does the Portuguese man of war live in packs?

Yes. They live in large groups in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian warm parts ocean. There have been sightings of portuguese man of wars being washed up together on the shores.

Which coelenterate is called Portuguese man of war?

(Portuguese) man of war is Physalia physalis, a siphonophore hydrozoan. Or, a jellyfish.