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the plants and animals would die and because of oil spills and stuff thats kinda whats happening.

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Q: What would your envirement be like without fresh clean water for plants and animals?
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Which is healthier plants or animals?

Plants could clean and heal the body. Plants can also clean animals internally, when taken orally.

What plants and animals can be found in polluted water and what plants and animals be found in clean water?

many different plants and animals can be found in those habitats, although more life forms live in clean areas.

What are three ways plants can help animals?

food clean air and sometimes animals prey only eats plants so it helps them still have a meal

What are plants and animals niche or role in the rain forest?

to keep it clean and not over croud it

How would vacoules in plants serve defense animals that eat them?

because it help clean the bacteria

Does the pond receive sunlight?

yes because the animals and small or big plants not only water receive, it can give the plants real fresh and all animals in the pond can be clean by the sun.

What is the importance of plants to human beings and animals?

Animals eat plants (of eat the animals that do). Animals can't make their own food from energy and simple compounds, and even if they could, animal energy use is too prodigious to support by photosynthesis of the organism itself. A 70 Kg human needs around 2,000 - 3,000 kilocalories a day; to make that requires several hundred Kg or plants and many days. It requires a field of really good grass the size of a rugby pitch to keep one cow alive. Short answer: plants are vital; if they die, we die.

How would vacoules in plants serve as defense against animals that eat them?

because it help to clean the bacteria

What is the role of decomeposers in an ecosystem?

they eat up the dead plants and animals they can be called (the clean up) crew!

Why was a source of fresh water important to the colonists?

The body needs water to survive and can only go 3 days without it. Animals and plants also need water. So, a fresh clean water supply was necessary.

Why are water quality standards important?

if it is not clean there are parasites in it and when you ingest these they cause ailments and various diseases. this is why in poor countries with no clean drinking water more people die of disease.

Why is it good to keep a clean water supply?

First and foremost we need clean water to stay healthy, to clean and flush out toxins and to generally live. Secondly, keeping water clean allows not only humans to survive but plants and animals also thrive on clean water.