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many animals will die

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Q: What would happen if humans continue to destroy the shelter of animals?
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What would happen without zoos?

The animals might destroy the city.

WHAT WILL happen to the animals that have shelter in the trees?

They will become evil and kill you. BWA-ha-ha

What would happen if humans continued to destroy their shelter?

If humans continued to destroy their shelters havoc would take over the world. This is because these action affect other people.

What do you think might happen if humans were to continue to clear and burn vast areas of forests for building?

We would destroy are world and if we carry on with doing this we will destroy are world and are selves.

What will happen if the farmers continue to cut down the trees in the amazonian rainforest?

well if its at a fast rate without caring, they will compeletly destroy it

What might happen to the animals if all the rainforests are cut down?

we would not be able to breath well and the animals would lose shelter and a lot of food and probably die out

How many animals get hurt from animal abuse?

There would be a short amount in shelter depending on how big the shelter is. Animals dont expect to be living in a shelter because they want a loving home but insted they have to be living in a shelter. The animals only get o week to live there because they need more space to put all of the other animals that are coming. Some animals can get really hurt and put into a shelter but they are already hurt and then they have to worry about them dieing in a couple of days There would be a short amount in shelter depending on how big the shelter is. Animals dont expect to be living in a shelter because they want a loving home but insted they have to be living in a shelter. The animals only get o week to live there because they need more space to put all of the other animals that are coming. Some animals can get really hurt and put into a shelter but they are already hurt and then they have to worry about them dieing in a couple of days

What could happen to us when a avalanche comes?

we could die. it will destroy homes, forestry our animals and our infastructure and water supplies.

What will happen to animals in Africa in 20 years if they continue doing habitat destruction?

they will tear up the heads of humans

Is the idea of the US becoming a No-Kill Animal Shelter realistic?

no,but i do think it should happen,and i know a way its by people adopting more animals

If humans continue to destroy rain forests what mite happen to the balance between carbon dioxide?

the carbon levels increase dramatically and oxygen levels will go down

What do you think will happen when huge area of tropical rainforests are destroy?

many animals that live in tropical rain forests will die off and that population will decrease.