An F3 Savannah cat is like the 3rd generation, an F1 is the kid of a wild cat and a savannah, an f2 is the kid of that savannah and another savannah, an f3 is the kid of one of an f2 savannahs.
Because like the Savannah cat the Bengal cat's wild looks make them look like from the wild like the Savannah looks like the osceles and it is from the Bengal so when a Bengal is seen it is recognized as a wild cat because it is bred from the WILD ASIAN LEOPARD CAT.
A feral cat lives in the wild.
With Savannah Cat breeding, the number after the F is how far removed from being a wild cat the generation is. An F1 cat is bred directly from a Serval cat and a Bengal cat. An F7 Savannah is bred from other Savannah cats and is a 7th generation from the original two cats that were bred together to create it.
Savannah cats are bred with a wild cat witch makes this cat one of the rarest felines in the whole wide world. So that indeed makes this cat rare
A peacocks habitat is in the wild(no da) but it mainly lives on the savannah
it depens what type of wild cat it is
Essentially, the African wild cat is much larger in size and is much, much more fierce. The Savannah cat was bred for its size, mostly. The Savannah cat is more tame and domestic but, it does have a short temper so you have to watch your back in case it attacks. But don't let me get you wrong, Savannah cats can be very loving when they want to be, you can't force it out of them so when they give you some love you know it's sincere.
Some wild cat breeds that can be owned as pets include the Bengal cat, Savannah cat, and the Chausie. These breeds have been bred to have the appearance of wild cats but have been domesticated for living with humans.
The original hybrid is called an F1 and is considered too "wild" to be a house cat. A Savannah is the largest of all domestic cats.
It is actually almost impossible to get offspring from a Savannah cat due to the rarity of producing a Savannah cat in the first place, and the fact that they are not a breed, but rather a cross-breed between the wild Serval cat and the domestic cat. Since these cats are very picky about who they choose as their mate, they will often not choose to breed with a domestic cat, but rather a wild Serval. The gestation period of this composite breed has not been mentioned on many breeding sites, but it's best to guess that a Savannah cat may have a gestation period of around 70 to 75 days.
Savannah cats are a hybrid cat breed. They are a cross between an African Several and a regular domestic cat. Ocicats, on the other hand, are a totally domestic cat breed. Their coats tend to resemble ocelots, which is where they get their name, but they have no wild cat blood.