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A Barred owl may sound like a monkey.

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Q: What wild animals make sounds like monkeys?
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How do monkeys make sound?

Monkeys make sounds with their mouth, much like humans do. Monkeys make all different kinds of sounds depending on their moods.

What sounds do skunks make?

They make sounds like cats. They hiss or screach like other animals too.

Do animals alwyas make sounds?

Animals do make sounds but it's not all of the animals that make sounds.

Why animals make the sounds they do?

animals make the sounds they do is just like human languages.... for example a whistle may mean they are calling for their family. The animals make the sounds they do because they all need to communicate with each other.

Sound of monkey is called?

Monkeys have many different sounds for many different reasons. Monkeys have a special cry for warnings, they have a special sounds for mating, and they also have a special sound for getting left behind.

Who make sound called SHRIEK?

Animals such as birds, monkeys, and some mammals like foxes and rabbits are known to make shrieking sounds. This high-pitched vocalization is often used as a distress call or warning signal.

How do animals create different sounds?

Thats like saying how do we humans make diffrent sounds if you think about it how do you make diffrent sounds? and thats your answer!

Is a monkeys sound high pitch or low pitch?

Monkeys' sounds can vary depending on the species and the situation. Some monkeys make high-pitched vocalizations, while others produce lower-pitched sounds. Typically, smaller monkeys such as tamarins and marmosets tend to have higher-pitched calls, while larger monkeys like howler monkeys have lower-pitched vocalizations.

Why do monkeys howl?

Animals make loud noises (howls, roars, whinnies, etc) for several reasons. * To communicate with other animals who are out of sight * To warn off animals who are in their territory * To warn animals that there is a predator in the area (this includes a human) * To show how fit and strong they are in order to attract a mate

What do animals use their vocal cords for?

Their sounds that they make like lions roar

How do trees provide homes for animals?

trees provide home for animals as on them many birds make nest and animals like monkeys live there so this is how trees provide shelter for animals.

Why do monkeys make oh oh ah ah sounds?

They do that because they are communicating with other monkeys like female one and their best bodies like i know a monkey named BoBo and he does that alot, but then after he does that 2 monkeys come to him it was cool and they do that sometimes when they are angry at other monkeys or people because we bother them too much