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Q: What was the apalachees shelter?
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Related questions

What where the Apalachees known for?

The Apalachees were known for their knives

What type of houses did the apalachees live in?

the apalachees lived in small huts

What tools did the apalachees use?

the apalachees used rocks for grinding food.

What is apalachees food?


What river separated the timucuan' lands from the apalachees lands?

The Suwanee River separated the Timucuan' lands from the Apalachees lands.

What types of homes did the apalachees have?

Teepess and they were made out of mud

What native Americans lived in Florida?

Apalachees and Calusas

What did the apalachees do to work?

they gathered pumpkins,squash,corn,and beans

What native American groups live in Florida?

Apalachees and Calusas

What do Apalachees eat?

The Apalachee Indains eat squash, pumpkin, beans, and corn.

How might farming have been helpful to the timucuas and apalachees?

it's by how they can live and not be hunger all the time

What did the apalachees eat?

they ate pumkins and squash they ate corn, beans , fruit, fish turkey and other things they hunted hi