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â??Antaeusâ?? by Borden Deal tells the story of TJ, a transplanted country boy who feels lost in the big city. He enlists the aid of a local gang to build and grow a garden on the roof, bringing a little bit of country to the cityscape.

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Q: What was Tj problem in the story antaeus by borden deal?
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What is the theme is the short story Antaeus?

to be careful when you KILL

What are some of the character traits of TJ from the short story Antaeus by borden deal?

T.J. is persistent. He shows this when he fights with the owner of the building about keeping the rooftop garden.

What is the rising action of Antaeus by Borden deal?

In "Antaeus" by Borden Deal, the rising action includes the protagonist struggling to adapt to life in a new town after his family moves and facing challenges at his new school. As he befriends a boy named Antaeus, their friendship grows stronger, but the protagonist also becomes entangled in a conflict with a bully named Bo. This leads to a climactic confrontation between the protagonist and Bo.

How does the owner of the building resemble Hercules in Antaeus by Borden Deal?

The owner of the building resembles Hercules because like Hercules, he removed t.j. From his source of strength, the nature.

What was the conflict in Antaeus?

In "Antaeus" by Borden Deal, the main conflict revolves around the narrator facing pressure from his friend to participate in a dangerous cliff diving competition. The narrator must decide whether to give in to peer pressure or stand up for his own safety and well-being.

In what ways are TJ and the rest of the boys like Antaeus in Antaeus by Borden Deal?

TJ and the boys, like Antaeus in the myth, draw strength from their environment and perceptions of power. They are unbeatable in their own context, but vulnerable when removed from their usual support system. Just as Antaeus was defeated when he left his source of strength, the boys face challenges and struggles when they are separated from TJ's leadership and influence.

What is Borden Deal's occupation?

Borden Deal is a/an Author

What is the birth name of Borden Deal?

Borden Deal's birth name is Loyse Youth Deal.

When is Borden Deal's birthday?

Borden Deal was born on October 12, 1922

What is the basic theme of Antaeus by Borden Deal?

Antaeus was a monster and he killed the travellers who passed through his land and use their skulls to roof his father's temple, when the hero Heracles lifted him from the earth he lost his strength because while he connected with the earth he can't be bitten , because the earth his mother , so when Heracles lifted him he could kill him and crush his bones.

When was Borden Deal born?

Borden Deal was born on October 12, 1922

Did Borden Deal die?

Borden Deal died on January 22, 1985, in Sarasota, Florida, USA.