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The cerrado is one of the world's ecological Hotspots, and so a place of biological diversity, fauna and flora.

Some animals which can be found there are the cougar or mountain lion, the maned wolf, a variety of snakes and lizards, birds such as toco toucans, crowned solitary eagles, the hyacinth macaw (same bird as Rio in the animation), ibis, tinamous, giant anteater, armadillo, tapirs, pampas deer, jaguars, ocelets, the jaguarundi (which is a small wild cat) and the giant otter.

Not to mention the variety of insects which are not as studied, there are probably more species to be discovered there than in many other places.

So there are's a good many types of larger animals, ranging from predators - feline and canine - to different types of prey.

About 40% of the vegetation are endemic to the cerrado.

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