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Q: What type of matter is sulfur?
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Oxygen and sulfur are what types of matter?

Oxygen and sulfur are elements.

What is the state of matter for sulfur?

Sulfur is a yellow solid at room temperature.

Is sulfur a type of coal?

No, sulfur is not a type of coal. Sulfur is a chemical element found in various minerals and compounds, while coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock formed from the remains of plant matter. Some coal deposits may contain sulfur, which can cause environmental concerns when the coal is burned.

What type of element id sulfur?

Sulfur is a nonmetal.

What is the matter of sulphur?

Sulfur is a solid element.

Which has more matter in it sulfur or copper?

Copper has more matter than sulfur because copper has a higher atomic mass (63.55 g/mol) compared to sulfur (32.06 g/mol). This means that a given mass of copper will contain more atoms and thus more matter compared to the same mass of sulfur.

What type of bonding is sulfur?

Sulfur has covalent bonds with nonmetals.

What is the type of element sulfur?

Sulfur is a non-metal element.

What is the bond type in sulfur?

The bond type in sulfur can vary depending on the compound. In elemental sulfur (S8), the bond type is predominantly covalent, with the sulfur atoms forming a ring structure held together by covalent bonds. In other sulfur compounds, such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2), the bond types can include covalent and polar covalent bonds.

What type of bond is made between phosphorus and sulfur?

Phosphorus and sulfur can form a covalent bond when they share electrons. This type of bond is known as a phosphorus-sulfur covalent bond.

Is sulfur a type of rock?
