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A wolf is a carnivore and engages in hunting in order to survive. It is up in the night in order to prey on other animals and catch them unawares.

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Q: What type of behavior does a wolf have to help it survive?
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How does a wolf change its behavior?

When a wolf is hungry, and it desperately needs food to survive, its behavior will change because it will be getting anxious and hungry. If it is "breeding season", the wolf will change its behavior to get a mate. He will attack other wolves to prove he's the strongest male and so he gets the female. A wolf may change its behavior if it eats a drug. When a wolf (or any animal) gets a drug, it may change its behavior in a big way, making the wolf go crazy or sleepy. Wolves may change their behavior when they are hurt or weak. They won't be as strong and they could feel more anxious, knowing they are hurt.

Do wolves ever play dead to survive?

It is typical behavior for a young wolf. An adult may not need to do this unless neccesary.

When was Will the Wolf Survive created?

Will the Wolf Survive was created in 1986.

Are there other therians besides me with the kin type of a wolf If so what behavior do you have of a wolf?

yes. growling, howling, obsession with moon, awareness of surroundings.

How do snow wolf survive?

The don't, there is no such animal as a "Snow Wolf".

How does the red wolf survive?

it hides

What can you do to help the gray wolves?

For $35 (US Dollars) you could become a Lone Wolf member of the International Wolf Center near Plymouth, Minnesota, listed as a Related Link below. There are other similar organizations, perhaps nearer to you.well we need them, to eat or for their fur, but if you want to help them you can create a wolf sanctuary and help them survive and for them to repopulate. ^_^

What are learned behavior of a wolf?

Two behaviors are learning the rank of the wolf and how to hunt.

Why does the Arctic wolf need these features?

To survive.

Would a wolf survive if they move you from your habitat?


How can a wolf's adaptation help it survive?

The wolfs adaptations are : sharp teeth for predators and prey. :Sharp nails for grip.:Changes colours for camouflage in winter.

Can a gray wolf survive in negative temperature?
