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i think that they ar eawa different from eachpther

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Q: What two ways plants and animal cells are similar?
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How are plants and animal cells similar?

Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic and have a similar basic structure, with membrane-bound organelles like the nucleus, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum. They both store genetic material in the form of DNA and use ribosomes to synthesize proteins.

How are animal cells and human cells differ?

Human cells and animal cells may have a very slight difference but they are similar in most ways. Humans are classified as animals and thus have an animal cell.

How are animal cells and human cells different?

Human cells and animal cells may have a very slight difference but they are similar in most ways. Humans are classified as animals and thus have an animal cell.

Is what ways are the function of the organ system paint similar to those animal in that way they different?

in what ways are the functions of the organ systems of plants similar to those animals

In what ways are animal similar to the plant what is the different?

animal and plants are similar because all are livingthings and all use respiratory gases(oxygen and carbondioxide ) . And difference is that animal move from one place to another while plants do not move from one place to another

What ways are the function of the organ system of plants similar to those of animal?

Both of them are living things so they are alike :P

Things about plants?

There are so many things about plants. They are known to be the main producers in an ecosystem and they contain a plant cell which is similar to the animal cell in various ways.

How do you write an introduction on an assignment based on animal and plant cell?

To write an introduction for an assignment on animal and plant cells, start by explaining the importance of studying cells in biology. Then provide a brief overview of the similarities and differences between animal and plant cells, highlighting key features such as organelles and structures unique to each type of cell. Lastly, state the objectives of the assignment and what readers can expect to learn from the comparison of animal and plant cells.

In what ways are cells similar?

All cells have DNA

What are at least two ways that plant and animal cells are similar?

1. they both have almost same things.2. they also have same kind of seeds

Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic and thus they are similar in many ways However plant cells have some structures that are not present in animal cells Which of the following structures ar?

Some structures that are present in plant cells and not in animal cells include chloroplasts, cell walls, and large central vacuoles. These structures are essential for the unique functions and characteristics of plant cells, such as photosynthesis, support and structure, and storage of water and nutrients.

In what ways are the cells of plants and animals different from single-celled eukaryotes?

The main difference lies in complexity and organization. While single-celled eukaryotes are independent organisms consisting of a single cell, plant and animal cells are part of multicellular organisms, with specialized structures and functions that enable different physiological processes. Additionally, plant and animal cells often have organelles and complex systems not present in single-celled eukaryotes.