The insect that lays orange eggs on ferns is likely to be a type of ladybug known as the orange ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata). These ladybirds are commonly found on ferns and their eggs can be orange in color. The larvae of these ladybirds feed on aphids and other small insects found on ferns.
Lays many eggs
Many species of eagle have two eggs.
No. The PeaCOCK is the male of the species of bird called PEAFOWL. Not surprisingly, it is the female of the species, PeaHEN, which lays the eggs. The eggs are a bit bigger in size than a chicken's egg.
Many species of eagles lay two eggs.
Many species of eagle lay two eggs.
YOUR MOM many birds do
The number of eggs a butterfly lays can vary greatly depending on the species. Some butterflies lay only a few dozen eggs, while others can lay hundreds.
Some species of sharks/rays lay eggs that are quite rectangular.
Always. No male birds lay eggs, although in some species it is the male who incubates them. The female always lays the eggs.