by the way the answer is not no!
I live in an area amazingly overrun with imported brown snails (imported for food use, BTW) I keep a strictly organic garden so I hand pick snails. Iusually find between 50 and 100 every time I go out to pick them this time ofyear. They do indeed make a sqeaking noise when they are picked up. This is the sound made as they retreat into their shells and air is forced our through tiny spaces
funny ey rach!
They make very good eating with a garlic sauce.
They are known as garden snails!
I've read about ferrets eating snails, apparently without harm. I would make sure that there was no treatment or poison that snails could have ingested. I've read about ferrets eating slugs, I'm not sure why. Maybe they are not getting their nutritional requirements in their diet.
snails are mostly scavenger's. Some species of snails are predatory; eating other snails and invertebrates.
slugs and snails
unless you want to eat raw snails, which i don't suggest.
Eating snails.
Probably eating bugs if they aren't plant eaters.
every culture has daily habbit
Snakes do not like the noise it annoys them
=) Eating snails and frogs legs =)