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Q: What runs very fast?
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What is the animal which has a very long neck and runs very fast?

Giraffe or Ostrich.

Does a roadrunner use camouflage and how?

i think...It runs away.

Can you give me a sentence for the word fast?

yep Sonic the hedgehog runs very fast. The cult members held fast to their beliefs .

What has six legs and runs very fast?

Three naughty boys

What is the sentence of run?

I think Sally will win the race as she runs very fast.

How fast are robo hamsters?

It goes WIGGA WIGGA WIGGA 450 million times a second

How fast can a female Brittany spaniel run?

They run very fast, if they are not lazy. I have a female Brittany Spaniel and we take her out for runs every night and she runs so fast you don't even see her legs moving. But when you run them check for ticks because my Brittany gets some on her but yes they run VERY fast.

How fast is sonicspeed?

very very very very very fast fast fast

How fast can a lemur runs?

They can run very fast, especially over short distances when they are fleeing to the nearest tree. I doubt they have ever been clocked.

How fast is Emilio Bonifacio very fast he is faster than Shane victorino?

probably about the same speed, they are both speed demons, incredibly fast. As to how fast bonifacio is, he probably runs a 4 second 40

How do you defeat Speedy Spiky?

keep jumping intill he runs and falls into the wet floor. (remember kinda jump before he runs he's very fast

What is the genre of elephant run?

it runs very fast because its running to the bathroom cuz its butt is full of poop