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Harp seals inhabit the North Atlantic and parts of the Arctic Oceans.

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Q: What oceans are harp seals in?
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Is it true that harp seals live in Antarctica?

No. Harp seals are native to the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans.

Where exactly are harp seals found?

Harp seals are most often found in the Arctic and Northern Atlantic Oceans.

Are harp seals found near Antarctica?

No, harp seals make their homes in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans.

Were do the Harp seals live?

Harp Seals like water more than land they live in the North Atlantic & Arctic oceans

Where do harp seals live?

North Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

What environment does a harp seal live in?

Harp seals spend most of their time in cold water oceans.

Do harp seals live in the tundra?

No, harp seals do not live in the tundra. Harp seals are mostly found in icy waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans. They generally breed on sea ice and spend much of their time in the water.

What is the habitat of the harp seal?

The Harp seals leave in the Arctic and north Atlantic Oceans, they also live near the shores of Greenland, Canada and Russia.

What color are harp seals?

Harp seals are white.

What are harp seals prededer?

what are harp seals predeters

Why are Harp Seals called Harp seals?

Harp Seals are called 'Harp' seals because Harp Seals's designs on their blubber can sometimes be in the shape of a harp.

Where do harp seals sleep?

Harp seals sleep in snow