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about 75 out of 100 animals get abused every day because people do not take the time to care for their animals. about 75 out of 100 animals get abused every day because people do not take the time to care for their animals.

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Q: What number out of what number of animals are abused?
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Related questions

Where are animals abused at?

That number is impossible to know as most of the abuse that takes place is done without the abusers even understanding what they are doing. Suffice to say the numbers would stagger the imagination.

How many ways are animals are abused?

Unfortunately, animals are abused in pretty much every way possible to think of and quite a few that are not imagineable to most people. Thankfully, the number of people who willingly abuse animals is quite small.

How many animals in Arkansas have been abused?

42,000 animals have been abused because of the pope

How many animals in the US are abused?

There are at least 75 out of 100 animals abused in the USA

How man animals are abused ever year?

in 2010, 870 animals were abused. in 2006, 2,338 animals were abused. that was the all time high since the last ten years

How many recorded deaths are their for abused animals?

I think the number of recorded deaths are probably short of the actual figure since many animals are abused at home and never reveal their inhumanity and brutality to anyone who would record it.

What happens to most animals that are abused?

if discovered, the owners are prosecuted and the animals become homeless, though there are a number of foundations that will house them and give them for adoption.

How many abused animals are abused a year?

there are 5.7 trillion animals abused a year

What animals can get abused?

Sadly, all animals can be abused. Like Ignoring, Abandoning and Beating the poor animal!

Are animals abused in every state in the US?

Sadly, yes. Animals are abused all over the world.

How many animals are abused each second?

the number is so big it's unbelievable how cruel people can be....get ready for it....more than 250 animals are abused each second. it's just sad what people can do to animals!

How many animals get abused?

Around 300 animals are abused each day , it is right because my science teacher told me , unless he is like really really dumb , but then he wouldn't be a science teacher would he , soo he must be right haha so the answer is around 300 everyday.ACTUALLY its 267 animals are abused everyday.A teacher doesnt have to know everything to be a teacher.Grow up kid. :)267 or 300 eaither way animals are abused but it really is 267 :)55But only 2 of them die.OK, lots of animals get abused everyday. Around 300+ get abused each day.We haven't really figured out HOW MANY but we do know that every 10 seconds and animal gets beat. So reading this probably took you from 10-20 seconds. That mean 1-2 animals have gotten beaten while your reading this.over 6000