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Ponds are teeming with both animal and plant life. Some animals live in the water (fish, crayfish, tadpoles, etc.), some live above the water (ducks, insects, etc.), and others live in the area surrounding the pond (raccoons, earthworms, etc.).(:

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13y ago
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14y ago

well all i know is fish, snakes, worms, frogs/toads, arthropods, leeches, snails, mussels, loons

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12y ago

Frogs, Bugs, Toads, Fish, Plants, Birds, Snakes, Salamanders, Mammals, Turtles, Snails, Leeches, Bryozoans, Algea, Crayfish, and Worms. I hoped this helped!

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14y ago

pondskater / water boatmen / diving beetle / frogs / ducks / fish / dragon flies / and all kinds of plants.

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14y ago

theres snakes,frogs,fish,water spiders, there's also mosquitoes, bacteria, and animals that haven't been discovered yet.

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11y ago

frog algae snells chrocodile fish chlymedomonas amoeba

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14y ago


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15y ago

mostly ducks

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Q: What lives around ponds?
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Where bullfrog lives?

ponds ,lakes ,

How many ponds in the world?

there are round about 20,000,000 ponds approximately

What lives in ponds and streams?

What lives in ponds and streams are small fishes, tadpoles, possibly mosquitoes and many more small species of small animals that can leave of that said environment.

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a larvae that lives on the ground by ponds and swamps

What lives in ponds and rivers?

Fresh water aquatic life.

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Ponds do not have weather in them. Weather occurs around ponds.

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Where does a drangonfly live?

normally a dragon fly lives under ponds

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In ponds Actually In Wetland Ecosystems such as lakes, ponds, and marshes, and many more.

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A vorticella lives in freshwater environments, attaching itself to substrates such as plants, algae, or debris. They can be found in ponds, lakes, and streams where there is plenty of organic matter for them to feed on.

What is the climate like in lakes and ponds?

Ponds do not have weather in them. Weather occurs around ponds.

Where do dragon flies live?

Dragon flies hang around ponds, rivers, and streams because that where they catch their food.