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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

They live in Southern Mexico,Central America,South America,Caribean's,And in the rain forest.

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Q: What kinds of habitats do blue macaws live in?
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Do blue macaws live in rio?

Blue Macaws do live in Rio as you've seen in the movie (RIO)

Do macaws live in Rio?

Blue Macaws do live in Rio as you've seen in the movie (RIO)

Do blue macaws live in Brazil?

no they live in wisconsin

Do blue macaws live alone?

aparently yes they do but have known to vate with hippos

What type of macaw live in the amazon rainforest?

in the amazon rainforest

What kind of habitats do orcas live in?

they actually live in all kinds of oceans.

Why do blue and yellow macaws live in the emergent layer?

because they learn o fap

In what hemisphere do macaws live in?

the macaws live in the southern hemisphere

Does macaws live alone or with others?

macaws live with others.

What layer do macaws live?

Macaws live in the canopy and emergent layers of the forest.

What kinds of habitats do bats have?

Bats usually live in dark damp caves

Which layer in the rainforest do blue and yellow macaws live in?

Blue and yellow macaws primarily inhabit the emergent layer of the rainforest. The emergent layer is the highest layer in the rainforest, characterized by its tall trees that rise above the canopy. This layer receives the most sunlight and is home to a variety of bird species, including the colorful blue and yellow macaws.