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Black bears- always tie your food up in a tree when camping unless you want visitors!!!! copper head snakes, rattle snakes, water snakes, coyotes, mountain lions- but the last official siting was in 1874 so they say.... Always keep an eye out just to be sure! when hiking or camping in pa don't be afraid to make noise! You never want to "sneak up" on a bear or coyote. Saying "hey bear!" every 30 steps or so is always a good rule! There are many animals in the pa forests such as raccoons, deer, possums, turkeys, rabbits, skunks and ground hogs but none of these animals are dangerous.... Some bothersome at best but making noise should scare these guys off too!

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Q: What kind of animals are dangerous for campers in Pennsylvania?
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The raccoons found in Pennsylvania are typically known as the common raccoon (Procyon lotor). They are widespread throughout the state and are known for their distinctive black mask and ringed tail. It's important to note that raccoons are a common sight in both rural and urban areas of Pennsylvania.

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