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Q: What kind of animal sleeps only 2 hours a day?
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Which animal sleeps for only 2 hours a day?


What animal sleeps more than the koala?

the koala sleeps an average of 16 - 20 hours a day while a sloth only sleeps for 19 hours. Opossums are actually sleep a full 4 hours less than the koala at only 15 hours each day.

Which animal sleeps for the shortest duration in 24 hour day?

One of them is the giraffe. A giraffe only sleeps about two hours out of every 24 hours. In other words, it is awake about 92% of the time!Giraffe sleeps 30 minutes a day.

What animal sleeps the most?

Scientific research indicates that it is a close contest for the title of the animal which sleeps the most. Top contenders are the Brown Bat and the Koala, both of which sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day.

Which animal goes to sleep for only 5 mins?

the giraffe sleeps for like 20 mins. there is no animal that sleeps for only 5 mins. SO... THE GIRAFFE SLEEPS FOR LIKE 20 MINS.

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What is a animal called that only comes out at night?

it is called nocturnal animals such as a raccoon it sleeps all day and it wakes up only at night

What kind of animal mates only once for 12 hours and can sleep for three years?

The koala bear is an animal that can sleep for 3 years but only will mate once. Koala bears are typically found in Australia.

Which animal sleeps 16 hours a day?

Scientific research indicates that it is a close contest for the title of the animal which sleeps the most. Top contenders are the Brown Bat and the Koala, both of which sleep between 18 and 20 hours a day.Surprisingly, the sloth is not even in the top ten. A fairly recent study from Germany on sloths in the wild indicates the sloth sleeps for just under 10 hours a day.

What is the sleeping time of humans?

The average adult human sleeps for eight hours. It depends entirely on the individual. I personally only sleep for around 6 hours a night.

What happens when someone as 6 convulsion in 24 hours?

my dad had 6 convulsion in 24 hours he only sleeps he dosent drink or eat this mean hes dying