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Q: What is to move somebody from a dangerous place?
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What called of a move somebody from a dangerous place?

To temporarily move people out of harm's way is to evacuate them.

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Move on, it sucks but do it

Are dolphins dangrous?

dolphins are not dangerous. They are dangerous when somebody tries to steal its baby.

Is poking someone in the bellybutton dangerous?

Poking somebody anywhere is dangerous. The navel is not especially sensitive.

What is the song that goes oooh dangerous somebody get dangerous?

um, i don't really know but you should look it up at and the other place that i would like recommend, is that your mom will probably know it!! by the way chech it out at'myourmomandi'mgoingtoeatyoutonight/

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Yes someone has to die unless you move into a place that already has a gravestone

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Duck or Run away from dangerous sociopath

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Move to Florida

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Yes some bags can be dangerous, for example a plastic wal-Mart bag can make somebody suffocate

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You expect somebody to actually answer this?

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Yes somebody might change it

Why is lagos nigeria a dangerous place?

Lagos is naot a dangerous place man!