Nocturnal and diurnal both refer to when animals are active: nocturnal animals are active at night and diurnal animals are active during the day. Both types have adapted to their respective time periods for hunting, foraging, or avoiding predators.
The medical term for "at night" is "nocturnal." This term is often used to describe animals or organisms that are active during the night.
An animal active during the day is called diurnal.An animal active at night is called nocturnal.Animals active near dawn and dusk are called crepuscular.
I think that this term is "vigilia"
Yes, this behavior is called crepuscular. Crepuscular animals are most active during dawn and dusk, while being less active during the day and night.
You can call such a person a "night owl." This term is often used to describe individuals who are more active and alert during the nighttime hours.
The definition of animal action is when animals are in movement. The term action means to move or the state of being active. Animals are almost always in the state of being active.
The term "lobster shift" likely originated from a lobster’s tendency to be more active at night. Night shifts are often associated with increased activity during the late hours, similar to how lobsters are more active at night. This term is commonly used in industries like healthcare and transportation where workers are required to work overnight.