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The sunlight zone contains most of the oceans' plants and animal life. This zone extends from 5 to 300 feet. It is also called the euphotic zone.

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Q: What is the sunlight zone also known as?
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How much sunlight is in the sunlight zone?

The amount of salinity that there is in the sunlight zone is about 3.5 percent. About 90 percent of sea life also resides in this zone.

What ocean zone do diatoms live in?

Diatoms are primarily found in the sunlit zone of the ocean, also known as the euphotic zone. This zone receives enough sunlight for photosynthesis to occur, which is essential for diatoms as they are photosynthetic organisms. They are most abundant in surface waters where sunlight penetration is optimal.

Which marine biome is characterized by deep water depths that never receive sunlight?

The aphotic zone, also known as the midnight zone, is a marine biome characterized by deep water depths that never receive sunlight. This zone is found below the photic zone and is inhabited by organisms that do not rely on photosynthesis for energy.

Does the noratical zone mean the same thing as the middle layer?

No, the nortical zone and the middle layer of the ocean are not the same. The nortical zone refers to the region of the ocean near the surface where there is abundant sunlight. The middle layer, also known as the mesopelagic zone, is the twilight zone where sunlight is limited and deeper-sea creatures reside.

Which zone of the ocean can be reached by sunlight?

the neritic zone, but also the intertidal zone, well part of that zone.

Does the humpback whale live in the sunlight zone?

yes, a killer whale or the orca sometimes live in the sunlight zone

How much salinity is there in the sunlight zone?

The amount of salinity that there is in the sunlight zone is about 3.5 percent. About 90 percent of sea life also resides in this zone.

The unsaturated zone above the water table is also known as?

The unsaturated zone is also known as Zone of Aeration.

Which term describes the upper part of the ocean into which sunlight penetrates?

The term that describes the upper part of the ocean into which sunlight penetrates is called the "euphotic zone." This is where photosynthesis occurs as sunlight is able to reach the surface layers of the ocean, supporting the growth of phytoplankton and other marine plants.

Does the mesopelagic zone have the most sunlight?

How much sunlight is in the mesopelagic zone

The mid-latitude zone is also known as?

The mid-latitude zone is also known as the temperate zone. It is located between the tropical and polar zones, characterized by moderate temperatures and distinct seasons.

What percentage of creatures live in the sunlit zone?

It is estimated that about 90% of marine creatures live in the sunlit zone, also known as the euphotic zone. This zone receives sunlight and is where photosynthesis mostly occurs, supporting a diverse range of organisms.