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Again an ambiguous question. Animals are not considered lesser beings in Hinduism. With the belief in karma and rebirth, most hindus would accept that their being born as humans is the result of some good deed in their previous lives. And conversely, bad deeds may lead them to be born in animal form. So who knows, if any animal is not related to them in some way or the other, it could very well be an ancestor with bad karmas. So, to feed the animals is considered pious in hinduism. In the morning in cities and villages, you would find people feeding cows, monkeys, birds, ants, or watering plants, etc. When people used to take their meals, they used to leave a portion for cows, dogs, and birds. Many people would get water troughs built to provide water to animals and birds. In one village in India, each family contributes for feeding program for pigeons at a designated place. When it was last reported in a newspaper, the collections with wise investments had reached the sum of $ 25,000. Indian cities are alive with animals of various kind, and it does not disturb us. The Cow, of course, is at the top of the rung. Eating beef is prohibited. It is considered a mother because of the various produce we get from it, milk, butter, curd, whey, and cheese. It is the ultimate sin to harm a cow. We worship cows the day next to Deepawali, the day is known as Govardhan, or on Gokula Ashtami. The bull, being the off-spring of cow and the vehicle of Lord Shiva is venerated. Calves are venerated for their association with Lord Krishna. Hanuman makes monkeys venerable. Ganesha makes elephants venerable, even rats at some places, Garuda (Eagle - the mount of Lord Vishnu) makes birds venerable, Kartikeya makes peacocks venerable. And considering that there are thousands of main and secondary Gods and Goddesses, nearly every animal is connected with them. Other than cows, many other animals are venerated. Among Nepal hindus two days before Deepawali are dedicated to crows (Kak Tihar) and dogs (Kukur Tihar). Serpents are worshiped on Naga Panchami.

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Q: What is the story behind Hinduism?
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