The word animal has several translations in Sanskrit.
mRigaH (मृगः )
pashu (पशुः)
vanachara (वनचरः)
Animals is translated pashavaH (पशवः ). There are multiple words for that too.
deer is a animal
The Sanskrit word for 'The' is 'एतद्' (etad).
No equivalent word in Sanskrit
The Sanskrit word for improvement is "vikaasa" (विकास).
Answer is "Broccoli", Broccoli is Sanskrit word, it is come from Sanskrit.
The Sanskrit word for hope is "आशा" (āśā).
The Sanskrit word for policy is "nīti" (नीति).
The Sanskrit word for union is "yoga."
The Sanskrit word for evil is 'DUSHT' (T = as in Tap).
The Sanskrit word for sharing is "सामान्यानां" (sāmānyānāṁ).
The Sanskrit word for brother is "bhrātṛ."
The Sanskrit word for together is "saha".