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Q: What is the phobia of dead animals called?
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What is the phobia of dead animals?

The phobia of dead animals comes under the catigory of "Necrophobia" wichis the fear of dead things (but also objects associated with death).It's comes from the Greek words "nekros" (=corps) and "phobos" (=fear)

What is the proper name for a phobia of apes?

Sorry to say but there is no actuall name for this certain phobia. There is a phobia of animals in general its called Zoophobia.

What is the phobia of a four legged animals?

The phobia of four legged animals can be referred to as zoophobia. This is the general term used for various phobia related to animals.

What phobia is the fear of fur or the skin of animals?

I believe it's called doraphobia. I might be wrong.

Is there a phobia name for the fear of alligators?

This is the fear of Reptiles in general, since alligators are reptiles this works There is no specific phobia for alligators, but the phobia for reptiles is called herpetophopia.

Animals that eat other dead or dying animals are called?

These are called scavengers.

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What is the phobia called that is fear of tigers?

The fear of lions is called agrizoophobia. This phobia is not specific on animals but means to be afraid of wild animals.

phobia of animals?

it's zophobia because "phobia" means fear or not a love

What exaggerated fear of a specific situation?

The irrational fear is called a phobia; the experience or object that triggers a phobia could be called a phobic experience or object.