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This is the group of mammals known as marsupials.

Incidentally, they do not all carry their young in pouches. The numbat is a marsupial which does not have a pouch.

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12y ago

The group of mammals, most of which raise their young in a pouch, are the marsupials.

However, it is important to note that not all marsupials have pouches.

Marsupial young are characterised by being extremely small and undeveloped at birth. At birth, they take a long, arduous journey from the birth canal, driven purely by instinct, grabbing hold of the mother marsupial's fur which she has cleaned and made easier to traverse with saliva, to reach the pouch. Upon reaching the pouch, they latch onto a teat which swells in their mouth to prevent them from being accidentally dislodged during the mother's movements. There they stay for months, to complete their development. Not all marsupials have pouches, e.g. the numbat has a mere flap of skin, but in animals where the pouch is absent, the young are still born undeveloped, and they cling by instinct to the underside of their mother's belly, still firmly attached to teats which swell in their mouths.

In addition, the echidna is a monotreme - an egg-laying mammal - which develops a pouch during breeding season purely for the purpose of incubating the egg and nurturing the newly hatched echidna.

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13y ago

All marsupials carry their young in a pouch, or marsupium, on their abdomen.

Members of the marsupial family in Australia include (among others):

  • kangaroo
  • wallaroo
  • wallaby
  • numbat
  • Tasmanian devil
  • koala
  • possum and glider
  • pademelon
  • wombat
  • cuscus
  • quokka
  • quoll
  • bettong
  • tuan / phascogale
  • antechinus
  • planigale
  • bandicoot
  • bilby
  • dunnart
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12y ago

An animal that carries its young in its pouch is a marsupial.

Marsupials generally carry their young in a pouch, though not all marsupials do so - the numbat, for example, is a marsupial without a properly developed abdominal pouch. Marsupial young (joeys) are born extremely undeveloped. They must continue their growth and development in their mother's pouch, attached to a teat where they receive the same nutrients they would receive if they were placental mammals still in the womb.

Specific examples of pouched mammals include:

  • kangaroo
  • wallaby
  • wallaroo
  • koala
  • wombat
  • Tasmanian devil
  • possum
  • quoll
  • potoroo
  • dunnart
  • bilby
  • quokka
In addition, the echidna, a monotreme (or egg-laying mammal), also incubates its egg in a rudimentary pouch which it develops through the breeding season. It then carries the young hatched echidna until its sharp spines begin to develop.
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13y ago

All species of kangaroos carry their young in their pouch. Kangaroos are marsupials and the pouch is a marsupium. Almost all marsupials have a pouch.

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4y ago

It called a mubajnw

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Q: What is the name of the animal carry its young ones in a pouch?
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Mammals which have a pouch feature where they carry and nourish their young are known as marsupials.

What is the name for animal that keeps baby in pouch?

Marsupials are animals which carry their young inside a pouch. Most known are the Kangaroo and Wombat. Marsupials are most prevalent in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly Australia and South America. The only common marsupial known to be in the Northern Hemisphere is the opossum.

Name the animal that carry their young on their back?

A sloth is one.

Whats the name of a stuffed animal that you can stuff its body into the front pouch?

If it has a pouch, it must be a marsupial.

What fish carries its young in a pouch like a kangaroo?

Yes. Almost all (but not quite all) marsupials carry their young in a pouch, and most of these are pouches on their abdomen, like the kangaroo has. All members of the kangaroo family hop upright, carrying their joeys in their abdominal pouch. These animals include wallabies, wallaroos, potoroos, bettongs and rat-kangaroos.

What do Tasmanian tiger babies look like?

Tasmanian tigers are now extinct. However, they were marsupials, which meant that the young were born undeveloped and suckled on mothers' milk whilst in a pouch.The Tasmanian tiger, or Thylacine, was believed to bear around three young, once a year, during the winter-spring breeding season. As she had four teats, the female could carry up to four young in her pouch. The pouch could expand to the size where, with nearly-grown young in it, it would reach almost to the ground.

What other animals carry their babies in outside pouches?

Animals that carry their young in a pouch are marsupials. They include:kangaroo (Red kangaroo, Eastern Grey)tree kangaroowallarookoalawombatTasmanian devilwallaby (e.g. swamp wallaby, rock wallaby, hare-wallaby)bilbybandicootquollquokkapademelonpotoroopossum (quite different to the North American opossum)opossum (not native to Australia)sugar glider and other glidersphascogale / tuan / wambengerdunnartantechinus (including the Little red kaluta) and false antechinusrat-kangaroo (not kangaroo-rat, which is not a marsupial)bettongcuscuskultarrmulgaraningauidibblerplanigalebettongkowarimarsupial moletriokboodiewoyliemarsupial shrewEven though the echidna is not a marsupial, it carries its young in a rudimentary pouch that it develops during the breeding season. This is until the echidna develops its spines.

Why is the Thylacine called Thylacine?

The Thylacine's scientific name is Thylacinus cynocephalus, and it is from this that the marsupial gained its common name. The genus Thylacinus was derived from the modern Latin Thylacinus (genus name), which came from the Greek thulakos, meaning 'pouch'. Both males and females had a pouch: the female's pouch was for e purpose of nurturing the young joeys, while the male's pouch was to protect his reproductive organs as he ran through the dense bushland of his habitat.

What is another name for the pouch?

A marsupial's pouch is the marsupium.

What do you call a young male fowl?

Many young or baby animals do not have the same animal name as the adult animal. A young fowl is called a chick or cockerel.

What is an anatomical pouch called?

If the question is referring to the pouch of a marsupial, its proper name is marsupium.

How long does a joey have access to the pouch?

Joeys are the generic name for the young of any marsupial. Marsupials are characterised by giving birth to very undeveloped young, unlike placental mammals. The joeys are blind, hairless and must stay attached to their mother's teat for several months while they continue the development that placental mammals have in the womb.Depending on the species, joeys may stay in the pouch for a few weeks or a few months. the larger marsupials keep their young in the pouch for longer.Some examples:Koala joeys stay in the pouch for 6-7 months.For the animals most commonly recognised as kangaroos (e.g. Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos), the average amount of time the baby kangaroo, or joey, stays in the pouch is about 7 - 8 months.The antechinus may keep its joeys in the pouch for only five weeks.Sugar gliders joesy stay in the pouch for around 3 months.The joeys tend to maintain access to the pouch for another month or so after they have emerged.