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Q: What is the name given to a rhinoceros' home?
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What is another name for a Rhino?

Rhinoceros, from the family Rhinocerotidae.

What is the scientific name for a rhinocerus?

The question depends on which species of Rhinoceros you are asking about.White Rhinoceros: Ceratotherium simumBlack Rhinoceros: Diceros bicornisIndian Rhinoceros: Rhinoceros unicornisJavan Rhinoceros: R. sondaicusSumatran Rhinoceros: Dicerorhinus sumatrensis

What is the real name for the prehistoric woolly rhinoceros?

Coelodonta antiquitatis is the binomial name (or scientific name) for the woolly rhinoceros.

How do you spell rhinoserous?

The horned animal is a rhinoceros (name means nose horn).

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Why Rhinoceros a proper noun?

The word "Rhinoceros" is a common noun. The name of a particular species of rhinoceros is a proper noun.

What is the Greek name for rhinoceros?

ρινόκερως is the Greek form of rhinoceros and it is pronounced as rinokeros.

How did rhinoceros get its name?

Rhinoceros means "nose horn." They got the name because they have a horn or horns on their nose. The name is derived from Greek and/or Latin.

What is the scientific names of one horn rhino?

Rhinoceros's scientific name is 'Rhinoceros unicornis'. They are large and strong animals that are native of Africa and the South of Asia. Despite their intimidating appearance, they are herbivorous, and sadly, they are an endangered species, due to the man's interest for their distinctive horns.

What is the rhinoceros horn name?

the answer is 'ceros'

What is another name for Rhinoceros?


How did the rhinoceros get its name?

From it's Horn.