Who is the most dangerous and the most feared land carnivore?
The polar bear is the biggest land carnivore but whether it is
the most dangerous is not really known. Brown bears are only
slightly smaller but are preyed upon by Siberian tigers. My guess
would be that the most dangerous and most feared land carnivore
What is the most common carnivore dinosaur?
the T Rex
Are starfish carnivore or herbivore or omnivore?
Starfishes are omnivores because they eat both meat and
What is the most common source of protein for an animal?
Depends, but a carnivore will get most of their protein from its
In the western North Atlantic, squid is the most popular food item consumed. But fish, such as menhaden, mackerel, bluefish, silver hake, butterfish, and herring also contribute to the swordfish diet. :)