I think that the other two unicorns represent communism (they have a couple things that show this 1) in the first on they go to "candy mountain" and in the book Animal Farm the raven, moses, tells the other animals about Sugar Candy Mountain and as we know that book was written about the Russian revolution which was primarily about the rise of "communism" is Russia. 2) on the Banana King's there is a symbol that looks a lot like the communist sign.) So since communism is evil (well...at least the one Stalin used....real communism is good) they have those unicorns being a bit nutty and whenever Charlie is around them bad stuff happens. (stealing his kidney, and his other stuff) So maybe Charlie is the neighboring counties of a communist country and when charlie is being beamed up, that could be representing the domino theory (when on country becomes communist, the neighboring countries will also be communist.)
Charlie the Unicorn 2 is of course a sequel to Charlie the Unicorn, and has been followed by many more episodes. The creator of all of these episodes, including Charlie the Unicorn 2, is a man by the name of Jason Steele.
I don't believe that there is a charlie the unicorn 5. I very much wish there was. Charlie the unicorn 2 is very great.
I don't know what you mean by bannanas shooting, but Charlie the Unicorn 2 is all about bannanas, and how Charlie is the "Bannana King."
i like charlie the unicorn
Charlie the Unicorn is an internet animation by Jason Steele of Film Cow. Charlie the Gay Unicorn does not exist.
Charlie the Unicorn is a unicorn that is constantly irrated by two other unicorns. Charlie the Unicorn is the best unicorn ever!!!
There is no Charlie the Unicorn 4 genius!
The duration of Charlie the Unicorn is 180.0 seconds.
In the second video. Just see Charlie the Unicorn 2 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFCSXr6qnv4 . Enjoy...
Charlie the Unicorn was created on 2005-11-26.
3There are more then 3, there are..Charlie the unicornCharlie the unicorn 2Charlie the unicorn 3YouTube Live: Charlie the UnicornCharlie the Unicorn "Hot Topic" VideoAnd i think that's it. :)
"Put a Banana in Your Ear."