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Animals breath out carbon dioxide which is made or obtained during cellular respiration. The carbon comes from food sources and the oxygen comes from inhaled air.

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it would be feeding or respiration

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Q: What is the main sources of carbon for animals?
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What are three sources of carbon on earth?

Three sources of carbon on Earth include the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas, and organic matter in living organisms and in the soil.

What are the main sources of drugs?

The four main sources of drugs are animals, plants, minerals, and synthetic (man made) *KS MICT-S*

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What are 2 sources of carbon dioxide in air?

burning of fossil fuels and animals and humans breathing

What 2 sources of carbon dioxide in air?

burning of fossil fuels and animals and humans breathing

Where do plants in water get CO2?

Carbon Dioxide is water soluble. Some of the main sources would be CO2 produced bay any animals that live in water and CO2 produced by decay of vegetable matter.

What are 3 sources of carbon in the air?

There are many sources of Carbon in the air. Three main examples would be burning fossil fuels like with cars, decomposing materials, and simply exhaling air.

What are the two main sources of food?

You can get energy from Carbohydrates, Fat and to a lesser extent protein.

What are the four sources of drugs?

The four main sources of drugs are animals, plants, minerals, and synthetic (man made) *KS MICT-S*

What are the main source of carbon dioxide?

The main sources of carbon dioxide are burning fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas), deforestation, and industrial processes like cement production. These activities release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect and climate change.

What converts carbon from both plant and animal sources?

Short answer, an omnivore. Herbivores only eat (covert carbon from) plants, Carnivores only eat animals therefore that's where they get their carbon from. Omnivores like humans, pigs, brown bears etc, eat both plants and animals.

What are two sources of carbon dioxide in air?

Carbon dioxide is the waste product of the process of respiration in plants and animals and it is also released into the atmosphere by active volcanoes.The burning of coal and wood