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To produce, store, and eliminate blood cells.

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Q: What is the main function of the spleen in fetal pigs?
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How long is a fetal pigs spleen?

Since pigs and humans are so much alike, the pigs spleen is only half of a humans. This is so, because, humans are bigger than pigs, so it only makes sense that pigs' spleen is half the size of a human being's. :)

What is the appearance of the stomach lining in the fetal pig?

The function of the spleen in fetal pigs is to filter the blood and remove old or dying blood cells. The liver is the largest organ in the body.

What is the function of a fetal pigs ureter?

no one cares

What is the function of external auditory aperture in fetal pigs?

The external auditory aperture is present in fetal pigs. This organ is the eventual opening for the auditory lobes in adult pigs.

What is the function of a fetal pigs small intestant?

to digest the food and absorb the nutrients

What is the fetal pigs cerebellum function?

The cerebellum controls balance and motor skills.

Why does a fetal pig have a large liver?

The function of the liver is the remove toxins and metabolic wastes from the body. Fetal pigs have large livers because this function is important early on in life.

What is the function of the cervix in fetal pig?

The function of the cervix in fetal pigs is to carry their unborn. This allows for a litter rather than just being able to carry just one.

What is the function of the tongue in the fetal pig?

In fetal pigs, the tongue is responsible for manipulating food for swallowing, aiding in the taste sensation, and executing movements for vocalization or communication with other pigs.

Function of large intestine in fetal pig?

The small intestine functions in digestion, and the large intestine functions in reabsorbing water and ions.

What is the function of the coronary arteries and veins in fetal pigs?

carries blood to heart tissue riched with O2

What is the Shape of fetal pigs kidney?

The shape of a fetal pigs kidney is oval. -knowing this from just doing fetal pig exam