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Q: What is the life cycle time of vegetables?
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Examples of a life-cycle dance?

An example of the life-cycle dance would be how fruits and vegetables grow from the ground. They are living things. Animals eat the plants in order to sustain life. People then eat the fruits, vegetables and animals to sustain life. The left over or decomposing fruits and vegetables or the seeds from them, go back into the soil which allows more fruits and vegetables to grow.

What is the Life cycle of timber?

Life cycle show the living time(in year) of the tree. Each cycle indicates One year old.

What is the Life cycle of ruler?

The life cycle of a ruler is the period of time that the leader rules. The time period may vary depending on the constitution of the country.

How does a project life cycle differ from a product life cycle?

The product life cycle represents the amount of revenue a product generates over time, from its inception to the point where it is discontinued. A project life cycle measures the work that goes into a project from beginning to end. The phases in product life cycle are initiation, planning, execution, and closure.

What is data life cycle?

Data life cycle refers to the time from creation and the initial storage of data to the time that the data becomes obsolete and it is deleted. Data life cycle management is the approach to managing data using automated processes to organize data in a system.

How is the time of year important to the life cycle of insects?

It is important because if the life cycle starts in Winter, the young insect will not survive, it would be to cold.

How does a stars mass affect its life cycle?

The more massive a star is, the less its life time.

Why are life cycles important to living things?

if they do not have a life cycle they all die in the mean time

What is the giraffe life cycle?

a gariffe is able to breed at any time

How is the life cycle of a Housefly similar to the Darner dragonfly?

The life cycle of a housefly is similar to that of a dragonfly as they both spend most of their lifecycle time in their pupal stage.

What is a life cycle to a white wolf?

it is a life cycle to them or their life.

The difference between a life cycle and a life span?

A life cycle refers to the stages an organism goes through in its development, from birth to reproduction to death. On the other hand, a life span refers to the maximum length of time an organism is capable of living.