The name scarab is a nice name for a dung beetle! They hang out in the desert and look for piles of animal poo, which they make into large balls to lay their eggs in. The ancient Egyptians saw them rolling the balls of poo around (they bury them somewhere convenient so the eggs can hatch and the larva eat the dung) and thought that might be the same way the Sun moved across the sky. The scarab then became symbolic of how the Sun moved from East to West, and is why they beetles are often protrayed in Egyptian art with a sun disc close to them. I think there is also some further symbolism about keeping secrets, but hopefully someone else can answer that.
The Scarab was a symbol of Eternity in ancient Egypt. It has represented Immortality, death and rebirth, and longevity.
Wearing scarab jewelry was meant to help the bearer have a long, healthy life.
A scarab beetle's baby is the child that is layed by the scarab beetle.
The answer is that the scarab beetle is extinct and not alive, or is it?
That will be a SCARAB beetle
scarabobeetlephobia. refers to the fear of the scarab beetle
Scarab beetle
a scarab beetle is more egyptian then a egyptian cobra
the scarab beetle
The symbol for the sun god Khepri is a scarab beetle.
Yes, it is but is also known as the "Dung beetle". Just the Egyptians called it the Scarab Beetle.