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Myriapoda is a subphylum of arthropods. Examples of myriapoda are centipedes and millipedes so they live in all kinds of places all over the world, mostly in damp forests.

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they live in soil (e.g your garden)

they like mud and live underground mostly but some live under rocks or other things

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Centipedes and milipedes are part of the subphylum?


What are some kinds of myriapoda?

Mellipedes, centipedes and Onychophorans.

What are the examples of myriapoda?

Examples of myriapoda include centipedes and millipedes. These arthropods are characterized by having numerous legs and segmented bodies. They play important roles in ecosystems as decomposers and predators.

What is centipede classified as?

Arthropods. They belong to the Chilopoda class of the sub-phylum Myriapoda.

Do insects and millipeds belong to the subphylum Crustacea?

No. Insects are the the subphylum hexapoda and millipedes are in myriapoda.

What are characteristics that insects have with the subphylum of Myriapoda?

Insects belong to the subphylum Hexapoda, not Myriapoda. Myriapoda includes centipedes and millipedes, which have elongated bodies with numerous legs. Insects, on the other hand, have three main body segments, six legs, and often wings.

What group of arthropods does millipedes belongs to?

Along with centipedes, the millipedes belong to the Myriapoda subphylum of Arthropoda.

What has the author Alessandro Minelli written?

Alessandro Minelli has written: 'The Development of Animal Form' -- subject(s): Morphology, Evolution (Biology), Ontogeny, Developmental biology 'World atlas of animals' -- subject(s): Zoology 'The Myriapoda' -- subject(s): Myriapoda, Arthropods

What type of arthropod is a millipede?

Centipedes and millipedes have their own group, Myriapoda, which stands next to Insecta, Crustacea and Arachnida. ^^

Why are centipedes insects?

Actually centipedes are not insects at all. Centipedes belong to the subphylum Myriapoda while insects are in the subphylum Hexapoda.