at operating temp your tranny builds up pressure, the vent releases the pressure so that the seals remain intact and don't start to leak.
Salmon are good osmoregulators because they can maintain a proper water balance in their bodies in both salt water and freshwater. This change in environment doesn't cause them to die.
No plumbing code allows a loop in a vent line. They must be pitched just like a drain line as there are many conditions where water can be in a vent line, such as rain through a roof vent and condensation. If the "u" were to fill with water it would no longer function as a vent.
A vent dryer allows a route for hot air to escape from a dryer. Without this the hot air and moisture would be forced into the home and could cause mold and rot.
fluid traped in cavity of ballvave is relived through cavity vent, care is taken pressure of fluid traped in cavity should not increse than upstream pressure of the valve.
There is Atlantic salmon is Scotland. Scottish salmon is probably farm raised Atlantic salmon.
for dryer vent cleaning !!!!!!
salmon in Tagalog: salmon
a salmon is a herbivore
A salmon bin liner is a bin liner made out of salmon and has salmon in it
Coho salmon which is also known as silver salmon.
the salmon breath with gills