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There is probably a more complicated answer, but if animals can't reproduce, they go extinct.

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Q: What is the connection between extinction and reproductive capabilities of organisms?
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A reproductive potential is an organisms ability to reproduce.

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Extinct (Extinction)

What is a term for when organisms disappear from the earth?

An extinction event.

What is it called when organisms dissappear from the Earth?

This term is extinction.

What are the extinction rates of terrestrial and freshwater organisms?

The extinction rates of terrestrial and freshwater organisms varies per location. This is largely dependent on other growing and declining populations.

How is it possible that all organisms must possess ancestors but not all organisms have descendants?

All organisms must have ancestors because they originate from pre-existing living organisms through reproduction. However, not all organisms may have descendants if they fail to reproduce and pass on their genetic material to future generations. Extinction, reproductive limitations, or other factors can result in the discontinuation of a lineage.

What are organisms that are not well adapted?

Organisms that are not well adapted may struggle to survive and reproduce in their environment. This can result in low fitness, decreased reproductive success, and ultimately may lead to population decline or extinction. Factors that contribute to poor adaptation can include changes in the environment or competition from other species.

How does the reproductive system promote life?

The reproductive system promotes life by creating new organisms:)

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The process in which groups of organisms die out is called extinction. Extinction occurs when a particular species cannot adapt to changing environmental conditions or faces competition from other species, leading to their eventual disappearance.

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