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Q: What is stone prey?
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Why does the stone fish camouflage?

The stone fish camouflages to blend in with its rocky environment, making it difficult for predators to see them. This camouflage helps them ambush prey and avoid detection.

What are stone arrowheads?

Stone arrowheads are sharp, pointed stone tools that were historically used as tips for arrows in hunting and warfare by various civilizations around the world. They were often crafted through a process called flint knapping, which involved carefully chipping away at a piece of stone to create a sharp edge. Stone arrowheads were effective in piercing armor and prey due to their strength and sharpness.

Is a giraffe predator or prey?

giraffe is a prey

Is shrimp a predator or prey?

A shrimp is a prey. A shrimp is a prey.

What is a synanym of prey?

The synanym of prey is get's prey if a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence is object, target, quarry, fair game, target area, pit, aim, butt, mark, objective, stone pit and if animal hunted or caught for food is quarry, pit, fair game, target, stone pit,. Also, if pprofit from in an exploitatory manner is fertilise, run, give, eat, feed, raven, feed in, course, fertilize, feast, flow, predate and if prey on or hunt for is guttle, pig, forego, antedate, feed, forgo, raven, antecede, foredate, precede, devour, predate

Bat's prey is or bat's prey are?

It depends on how many of the prey you are referring to. Singular prey - the bat's prey is an insect Multiple prey - the bat's prey are all flying away

Does Butterflies have Prey?

Yes they have Prey. The prey of the butterfly are " Faith and Kailey". The Butterfly is an "Prey" it's self. They have to prey because they will get eaten.

Is a white tailed deer a predator or prey?

it is a prey

Is predator or prey?


What is the syllable of prey?


Is a mandrill a prey or a predator?

Meerkats are both predators and prey.

When a snake kills a shrew the shrew is the?

The shrew is the prey.