What is the job market for acting?
yes acting is hard, if we are talking about the good acting
(well yes its hard), but if we are talking about the sloopy acting
of course its easy.
for acting you have to have a lot of concentration and you have
to know a lot of basic things that most of the people that take
classes of acting and that they are professional actors do bnot
know. some of you people wont know what blocking a scene is, or
maybe you guys dont know that you have to mantaing a balance on
scene, also you have to know about diction and other stuff to,
acting is not all about you learn your lines you do your part good
and evreybody gives you a round of applusse. no an actor is much
more thatn that.
i know cause i am an actor and most of the people that i know
that call themselves actor do not know some of thoose basic