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northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens

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Q: What is rana catesbeiana closely related to?
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The bullfrog Rana catesbeiana is most closely related to the?

northern leopard frog, Rana pipiens

Which kingdom does rana catesbeiana belong to?

Rana catesbeiana belongs to the Animalia kingdom.

What is the scientific name for Bull Frog?

The Scientific name for a bullfrog is Rana CatesbianaRana catesbeiana (sometimes also seen as Lithobates catesbeianus)The scientific name of the American bullfrog is Rana catesbeiana

What kind of frogs live in the woods?

Pickerel Frog (Rana palustris), River-Swamp Frog (Rana heckscheri), American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)

All of the individuals of Rana catesbeiana in a pond in central Massachusetts comprise a?


What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the amphibian bullfrog?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rana catesbeiana.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the animal Bullfrog?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rana catesbeiana.

Is the bollfrog the biggest frog in north America?

Yes the The American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) is the largest in north America. = =

How is a frog different from a bullfrog?

All bullfrogs are frogs but, not all frogs are bullfrogs. The bullfrog's Latin name is Rana catesbeiana.

What is the genus of a bullfrog?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Rana catesbeiana.

Is the American Bullfrog an amphibian or a reptile?

The American Bullfrog is an amphibian.These can be found in the ponds, lakes, marshes and rivers of south-eastern Canada, Eastern US and Central US. Their scientific name is 'rana catesbeiana'.

Which organisms are most closely related Remember the name of an organism is in the form Genus species.?

On Apex its whatever options both start with the same word